Complaints and Feedback

BAC are committed to providing the highest standard of customer service to our clients. The way in which we handle complaints is an integral part of our customer service experience and we would like to know if your expectations have not been met.

If you have a complaint in respect of any aspect of the service we provide, we would appreciate you letting us know and giving us the opportunity to resolve your concerns in a fair, transparent, and timely manner.

Where we identify, or you tell us about, an error or mistake in handling your complaint, we will immediately initiate action to correct it.

The Insurance Brokers Code of Practice

BAC adheres to the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice issued by the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA). Further information about the Code of Practice is available via

What should you do if you have a complaint?

If you have a Complaint in respect of any aspect of the service we provide, we would appreciate you letting us know and giving us the opportunity to resolve your concerns.

1. Contact us and tell us about your experience, feedback, or complaint.

You can speak with your dedicated contact at BAC or reach out to us via

Phone:      02 9360 2244
Address    PO Box 84, Darlinghurst NSW, 1300

Please provide a detailed description, all supporting documentation and how you would like to see your concerns or complaint resolved. This will help us address any issues and resolve it with you.

2. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within one business day of receiving it, or as soon as practicable.

3. If your concerns are not able to be resolved immediately, we will refer to your complaint to a dedicated person within our Complaints Team and provide you with their contact details.

Your dedicated Complaints Team member will keep you informed of our review of your complaint through our Internal Despite Resolution (IDR) Process.

4. Most of the time, your complaint can be resolved promptly. However, if we are not able to resolve and provide a response to your complaint within 30 calendar days, we will tell you the reason for the delay and why we need more time to investigate.

5. When we cannot provide a response to you within the 30 calendar days, you have the right to escalate your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.

Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Phone:       1800 931 678 (free call)
Mail:          Australian Financial Complaints Authority – GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Insurer Contacts

After Hours Emergency claims only
(03) 8660 7066
1800 022 444
02 9273 0100
1300 442 676
1800 022 444
1800 940 830
1300 724 678
1800 788 435
IIS Insurance
0420 543 316
1300 256 056 Extn 2


After Hours Emergency claims only


1300 736 333

All other areas

1300 736 333